The many health benefits of peas - You may have read our previous blog about the protein power of peas and how this makes them a perfect substitute for the ‘meat’ part on your plate at mealtimes.
As well as being a great source of protein, there are many other benefits of upping your veg by adding healthy peas to your diet:
High in Fibre – Unlike some vegetables, peas are very high in fibre. A one-cup serving of peas contains more than half the daily recommended intake for fibre and is a great source of folic acid as well.
Supporting a Healthy Heart – Peas contain many heart-healthy nutrients including potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. These nutrients help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Rich in Antioxidants – Peas are high in antioxidants which can reduce inflammation, scavenge harmful free radicals from the body, prevent cell damage and slow down the aging process of cells. Antioxidants also improve brain function and keep your skin healthy.
Vitamin A – Vitamin A plays an important role in vision, bone health and reproductive health. Vitamin A is considered an antioxidant and may even help to prevent certain types of cancer.
Folate – Folate is important for the function of cells, brain development in pregnant women as well as proper formation of red blood cells. It also helps to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in infants.
Zinc – Zinc is important for immune system function and the growth, development and maintenance of body tissues. It also helps in wound healing (including scabby knees!) and is necessary for proper functioning of many enzymes in your body.
Vitamin C – Vitamin C has antioxidant properties which help to protect cells from free radical damage. It is also important for immune system function and collagen production.
Calcium – Calcium is an essential mineral that helps to build strong bones and teeth as well as keeping your heart healthy. It also plays a role in muscle contraction, blood clotting and cell signaling.
And of course, Protein – Last but by no means the least, peas are a good source of protein and contain about 5g per cup. Protein is important for many biochemical processes in the body including wound healing, cell growth and the building of new tissues.
So there you have it! Now you know even more benefits of replacing some of the meat in your diet with peas! If you haven't already, why not give peas a chance?..

Available in Tesco stores - find them in the new 'Meat & Veg' section at the end of the meat aisle.