What can the mighty pea do for me?! Many parents are looking at ways to decrease their families' consumption of meat, driven in large by a better understanding of the potential health risks, environmental, or simply financial reasons associated with eating meat. Whatever your reasons, overall most people will agree that eating less meat over the course of the week is better for our families' health and better for the environment.
But what about protein?.. Introducing the Mighty Pea!
Meat is a great source of protein, and although one of the easiest and most efficient ways of reducing meat is by replacing it in your diet with vegetables, you may be concerned that many vegetables will not offer the protein that growing bodies need. Enter pea protein! The mighty peas are a great source of nutrients, particularly protein, making them a perfect substitute.
Peas are high in protein and fibre, making them an excellent choice to replace the meat on your plate. Peas can be easily added into many dishes like pasta sauce, stew or casseroles. In addition, peas have a high nutritional value. They contain vitamins A and C as well as iron, potassium and manganese.
The nutrients in peas can help to strengthen your immune system and lower cholesterol levels. Additionally, the fibre in peas helps you feel full longer, keeping you from the temptation of snacking between meals (and hopefully helping to keep those cries of “Can I Have a snack now?!?” at bay!) You will also be able to decrease the amount of saturated fat consumed by replacing meat with peas.

So why not give them a go?! You can feel confident that our Silly Sausages and Mighty Meatballs, with reduced meat and added pea protein, will form a healthy, filling and tasty part of your family’s meal! So ‘meat and two veg’ becomes ‘(less) meat and 3 veg’! With endless serving suggestions, the great meaty taste and texture (and not a green bit in sight), your family will never know just how much veg they’re eating!
Available in Tesco stores in the meat aisle.