Why do Nana’s Manners divide their products across 3 stages? What is Stage 1 - Discovery?
Parents don’t stop, we know that and that’s why we want to make life easier for you! All our products help children, but we also want it to be easy for parents to quickly understand which of our range is best suited for your little one, whatever age they currently are. To help, all our products fall across 3 distinct stages of children’s development.
Our Stage 1 range is designed for babies. When they are around 4-6 months old, you’ll be entering the weaning process, with baby discovering the tastes and textures of solid foods for the first time together. It’s such an exciting age as you watch your little ones discovering, growing, and changing every single day! Babies come in all sizes of course, but looking at average growth, most have tripled their birth weight by their first birthday! Height wise, from 7-12 months, babies may grow around 1.5cm each month! We call this time of discovery ‘Stage 1’, where babies learn about eating in the same way they learn everything else – through exploration, by watching others, by playing and practicing. You are your little one's greatest teacher and role model!
Although the very first time you offer foods will be one to be remembered, weaning is not an event as such. It is a journey over many months as they become more confident and their skills develop as they grow. They’ll be discovering new sensations and textures every mealtime as they explore with their senses of touch, smell and taste. Have that camera open to capture their little faces as they try new tastes for the first time - you'll get some great shots!
We call this period of discovery Stage 1. Explore our Stage 1 range here!