Why do Nana’s Manners divide their products across 3 stages? What is Stage 2 - Confidence?
Parents don’t stop, we know that and that’s why we want to make life easier for you! All our products help children, but we also want it to be easy for parents to quickly understand which of our range is best suited for your little one, whatever age they currently are. To help, all our products fall across 3 distinct stages of children’s development.
As your baby becomes established in the weaning process over 6 months or so, you’ll notice their confidence around foods increasing. Our Stage 2 range is designed around just this - building confidence, for those wonderful whirlwinds that are toddlers! At around 12 months your little one will be becoming increasingly confident and independent at mealtimes – toddlers love to feel ‘in charge’! They'll be quickly developing preferences (and letting you know about them) as well as going on to change their mind from one day to the next! They may seem fickle, but they are growing so quickly toddlers taste buds are literally physically changing all the time. For this reason, experts suggest introducing a new food at least eight times before deciding whether your baby likes it or not.
As your baby is learning to comfortably bring hands and objects to their mouths, they will more than likely become very keen to feed themselves! As their fine motor skills develop, you will see their grip change, noticeable when playing with toys and feeding. They’ll go from picking up objects using their whole hand, or fist grip, to starting to use a pincer grip. Their fine motor skills and hand to eye co-ordination will be developing every day, making self-feeding so much easier – and hopefully your floor a little cleaner! Well, we can dream right?!..
We call this period of building confidence Stage 2. Explore our Stage 2 range here!