Pregnant in the summer sun is one thing, pregnant in a heatwave with your next child is another thing altogether! First time around you would have been able to take opportunities to rest, put your feet up and listen to your body in a way you simply can’t now. So what can you do?..
Manage your expectations and do not expect to tick as many ‘to-do’s’ off your list as you normally would. Give yourself more time to get places so you’re not rushing and slot in as much down time as possible.
Water play - get the paddling pool out for both of you! Lowering toddlers' body temperature with water works wonders to calm them when it’s all getting a bit much and getting in there yourself is very appealing! Stay wet, stay cool!
And both of you, drink as much as you can – water that is!
Nap with them when you can. We’re all sick of hearing the “sleep when the baby sleeps” nonsense as when else are you supposed to get everything done?! But in the heat, give yourself that downtime when you can. Leave every job that you possibly can until later - or even better, until someone else does it!
Plan some trips to places with air-con! You might feel the urge to ‘enjoy the weather while it’s here’ but a few hours in an air-conditioned space such as soft play or the cinema can give you both the break from the heat you need to help the rest of the day be calmer.
Sun cream - yourself! It’s all too easy to channel all your energy into battling to get the cream onto your toddler and feel you need to take a minute when that job’s finally done. But don’t forget yourself! Leave some cream in multiple bags so you have some to hand when you get a minute. Speaking from experience here…
Same as above for sun hats - don’t forget yours too!
If I’m doubt, take the pram! Your little one may be getting to the age where they don’t need it for every trip, but in the heat they will have less energy, and carrying them is the last thing you need when pregnant and hot! Prams also double up as luggage trolleys - load them up so you are carrying as little as possible, preferably absolutely nothing!
Accept the help that you are offered. It’s easy to go into ‘mission mode’ but if the option is there to do a little less, take it!
Obviously there’s an element of ‘ideals’ here, but every little helps! Above all, be kind to yourself and, as Elsa says, “let it go!” (as much as possible). You got this and you are doing a fab job!