5 tips for a smoother back to school month

Smoother Back-to-School Month - 5 Tips

As we come to the end of the second week of ‘Back-to-School’ month, we’re certainly starting to feel the routine is coming back and everyone is getting used to the new routines. It’s a time filled with all sorts of emotions – often changing every day! With all this going on, September is tiring so we’ve 5 tips to help as you get through to the end of this month of change;

Back to school month. Don't try to do too many things in that 15:30-19:00 slot. Do accept everyone will be tired 9physically and mentally) as the new routine settles.

It can be tempting to fit things in this time slot, as it’s still the afternoon right? That haircut, eye appointment, picking up shopping, etc. Although the time seems like it’s technically there, as you’ll already be finding, by the time 3:30 rolls around your little one will be tired, full of stimulation from the day and not physically, or mentally, up to that much. Of course, a few things here and there work, but keeping it to a minimum really helps everyone’s stress levels. And certainly in our experience, Thursday and Friday afternoons are a right off! Some things really are best left to the weekends.

Don’t feel pressured to cook a scratch dinner every evening. Do use prepped frozen meals or quick to cook easy dishes. Now is not the time to worry about this.

You’ve got through the first few mornings, whether you had a child that was a bit unsure and clingy, or one that ran through the door! But it’s often the case that as the days go on, and they realise that this new routine is here to stay, (as well as getting more tired as the month progresses) they can seem to regress somewhat in their morning goodbyes. This is completely normal and staying strong, keeping that loving but efficient ‘goodbye’ is important in building their understanding of the weekday routine. Be assured that the vast majority of children settle within a few minutes of being in the classroom with their friends and you are out of sight!


Don’t spend a long time at the gate saying goodbye in the mornings. Do a short goodbye, staying no longer than a couple of minutes to say hello to their teacher.

You’ve got through the first few mornings, whether you had a child that was a bit unsure and clingy, or one that ran through the door! But it’s often the case that as the days go on, and they realise that this new routine is here to stay, (as well as getting more tired as the month progresses) they can seem to regress somewhat in their morning goodbyes. This is completely normal and staying strong, keeping that loving but efficient ‘goodbye’ is important in building their understanding of the weekday routine. Be assured that the vast majority of children settle within a few minutes of being in the classroom with their friends and you are out of sight!


Don’t be on your phone when they come out at the end of the day. Do them a long “Hello!” Greet them with a big smile and hug. Listen to what they want to tell you.

Home time is the time to keep making the fuss! Great them with a big smile, ask them about their day – just don’t expect to always get a response! They know you’re there, they know you’re happy to see them and this is a time for them to unload their day as they need to – and to be fed of course!


Don’t be worried about letting some things slide. Do be consistent with the main routine, e.g. getting clothes ready the night before, up, dressed, breakfast, etc.

Regression is common when they start school – maybe they become less independent at bedtimes, want to lie with you, or go from being previously dry every night to having a few accidents. There are a ton of reasons for all of this, most relating to the change and the mental and physical tiredness this can bring to little brains! Maybe they need to skip bath times some nights, or maybe they want to eat breakfast upstairs with you in the mornings whilst you get ready? As long as they understand the main routines are staying, making some allowances around the less important details can make life easier and more relaxed for everyone as the month goes on.


A girl in school uniform sitting at a table in a school hall, smiling, holding Nana's Manners cutlery.